Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oh Hump Day!

Oh Wednesday, you glorious Hump Day!!! For me, Wednesday is literally a great hump day as I have no actual classes that I have to attend today. The only commitment that I have right now is to visit with my resident "adopted grandparent" at an assisted living facility. I thoroughly enjoy spending time with this elderly couple so it is more of an added bonus to my Wednesday rather than a task I have to complete. Since Wednesday is the middle of the week, just in case you did not learn the Days of the Week song, it serves as the perfect day to go over the notes from class from Monday and Tuesday and be able to prepare for the classes I have on Thursday and Friday. This is such a blessing and I have begun to have a greater appreciation for Wednesday and right now it holds a special place in my heart (even though it is Wednesday and I am spending it in the library).

However, it has not been all work and no play these last few weeks. Even though I have spent much time studying and trying to stay caught up in classes, I have had time to volunteer at various events with Kappa Psi and APhA and several of us even got together last Friday night for a Potluck/Game night which was a blast!

Here I got to volunteer with APhA at a Diabetes Screening Clinic that we held at Walgreens. I was able to check a woman's blood sugar to see if she was diabetic or not. It was a really fun and great experience to get involved and interact with the community.

The other weekend I was able to volunteer with Kappa Psi at the SPCA Pawfest where we sold baked goods and all of our profits went to their organization that is devoted to the protection of animals.

This was from the other weekend when we had our Potluck/ Game night. I opted to bake cupcakes, for those of you who know me you may find that odd seeing as I do not like icing and detest cake. However, I made funfetti cupcakes with a mix of cream cheese icing on some and chocolate icing on some and I left several icingless for myself. However I will have to admit that I did eat a cream cheese cupcake at the get together and actually quite enjoyed it :)

Okay so I know I am a nerd but I just realized I am giving a thumbs up in all of these pictures. I guess I really didn't realize how much I did that until I looked at the pics :)

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