Friday, July 30, 2010

All Moved Out and Moving on.....

It's official, I have now vacated the residence of 244 South Heritage Loop....okay, so only partially I have only vacated my room and turned in my keys I am in fact still in the apt sitting on Amanda's floor working ever so feverishly on this blog post. It was so weird last night as I spent my last night as a Chapel Hill resident in my room. The once vibrant and color filled room that I was so used to sleeping in was transformed into a white box that was so dreary. I firmly believe that my lack of good quality sleep last night was as a direct result of this drastic change in my room. Here is a glimpse of what my room looked like before .....

And here is what resulted when all the life was sucked from the room.

Oh well, its a clean slate for the new girl that will taking my room in the fall....Note that she will be taking my room, not my place.

So now I am all moved out and ready to move on.....well not to VA quite yet...first I will be making a trip down to SC to spend a week at the beach! I am so excited that I get to spend a week at the beach and relax with some of the best friends a girl could ask for. We have many hours laying out on the beach ahead of us and boy are we ready, most of us have either been doing summer school this summer or working full time jobs and some of us doing both! Needless to say, we are ready for a relaxing week!!!

So watch out Myrtle, here we come!!! Praying for blue skies and sunny days :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Back to the Grind...

Okay, so I realize it has been nearly a week since I have blogged about the exciting adventures of a recent college grad who works nearly 40 hours a week and spends the majority of her time with children. Sorry, I know you all are anxiously awaiting to hear my exciting stories and new happenings in my life ;)

So.... this week I am back to the grind of my normal weekly schedule, after having the majority of the week off last week when the two families I babysit for decided to take beach trips. Too bad they decided to take that week off, did they not know that one of my best friend's birthday was that Tuesday and we were going out celebrating that Friday night. Thus meaning I could not take the week off and go to the beach which would have been lovely. But, I guess I could have gone to the beach anyway.....Nah, I would have never traded spending Amanda's birthday with her for a trip to the beach, hey the beach is always there and a person only turns 21 once!

Speaking of birthdays, here are some photos from the evening

Drink Responsibly

Okay, so as previously stated, I had the majority of the week off last week and, if you know me you know, I like to stay busy so needless to say I did not know what to do with myself last week, having absolutely nothing to do last week and not to mention not having any kids to fix dinner for, give baths to, read stories to, do chores with, take to swim practice, play UNO with, swing on the swings with and really the list goes on and on.....But this week, I am back in full force in my duty as childcare provider (because that sounds way more serious and more official than babysitter and nanny). Boy oh boy, had I missed them!! I think that these kids are keeping me young, okay so I know I just turned 21 but really though I have excuses to color with crayons and play Barbie's again, you know all you closet colorers (not quite sure if that is a word) out there are jealous. I seriously have joked with my mom several times about just becoming a professional Babysitter and believe me, in Chapel Hill you could definitely make a career out of it, if only they provided insurance and a retirement benefits. But as I babysat for my two families today, I realized that I would only be doing so for a mere two weeks more. This has made me a little sad to think that I will soon be leaving these kids that I have watched grow up so much in this past year. My seven year old twins Avery and Benjamin have gotten so good at reading and have almost mastered their times tables! My little Christopher who just turned 6 has now reading and is learning to swim and just won a race doing the back stroke!
This little man below is Caleb and he is also 6 and he too has learned to read and quite well I might add.

Joshua is my little buddy who is now 4 and he is just too stinking cute when he smiles I had to include him in this post too :)

Well, I dont want to spoil all you avid readers of this blog with a super long post because I know I will never be able to make each post long and interesting so thats all folks, Yall come back now ya hear :)


Thursday, July 8, 2010

My very own Blog...

So I have now officially entered the Blogger World thanks to my dear roomie and creator of this lovely design Ms. Laura Ann Case (soon to be Mrs. Laura Morgan). She encouraged me to start a blog because my time in Chapel Hill is coming to an end more quickly than I would care for it to. I will be leaving in a little over a month and will be beginning a new journey, at a new school, in a new city, in a new state. I will soon be finished boxing up all of my belongings and moving from my home for the past three years of Chapel Hill to my new condo a whopping 273 miles away in the little charming town of Stephens City Virginia (but hey I guess it could be worse, I could be in a different time zone). I will be trading in my 27516 zip code for a 22655 zip code which I do quite enjoy since the Stephens City zip code is much more symmetrical than my Chapel Hill one ;)

Although moving away and living in a town that is 4 hours away from my family is quite a scary situation for me, I think I am truly ready. I have done a lot of maturing and growing up this past year (and not to mention I turned 21, so that makes me an adult right?) and think I am ready to gain a little more independence and begin on this new path that God has set before me. So as I begin this journey living on my own in a completely different state I will depend on my faith to help me through the hard times always remembering to stay true to myself and never letting myself forget where I came from.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105
