Reflection on 2010
WoW...2010 was a year full of lots of change and exciting events!!
* In May 2010, I graduated college... COLLEGE.. COLLEGE?? One milestone crossed off my list already, with a psychology degree under my belt. When I started at UNC in Fall 2007, I thought I had so much time before me and graduating was not even a thought in my horizon. Well, those three years flew by so quickly and made me truly realize how quickly life can pass us by.
* At the end of May I turned 21!!! Yay!! Although, I dont really know what I will be looking forward to when I turn 22 except for becoming another year older.
* This year in August, I also began pharmacy school, in a different state that is 4 hours from home.... Wow, can you say What a Change! I left my comfort zone of Chapel Hill (45 mins from home) and moved to a small town not really knowing anyone. Through this experience, I have become a much stronger individual and really more independent.
* This year has also been a more difficult one for my family with the progression of my grandpa's Alzheimer's Disease. After the first of the year, it became apparent that my nanny would no longer be able to care for him and the family had to make the difficult decision of placing him in an assisted living facility. This has been one of the hardest things I have ever experienced since all of my grandparents are living because in a sense I haven't lost him physically, I have lost him mentally and emotionally because he no longer remembers me or who I am.
As 2010 has now ended, there are several things that I hope for in the year 2011
2011 Resolutions
1. Strengthen my faith -- I would like to continue to develop my relationship with Christ by reading my Bible more and leaning more on Him in the difficult times and praying more often.
2. Become a healthier me! -- Although this is easier said than done on a college students budget, I hope to exercise at least 3 days a week and monitor more what I put in my body ---eating more leafy greens and a little less Ramen noodles :)
3. Let myself love -- let down my guards a little to let people get close.
4. Keeping focused and accepting things as they are -- Staying focused to do my very best in school and accepting things as they come
5. Cook More -- In 2011 I will eat out less (especially less fast-food) and opt to stay in and cook more
I feel if I add anything else to my list, I will only be doomed for failure, so I think that 5 resolutions for 2011 will suffice. In addition, I think by posting my resolutions I will be held more accountable and will be more likely to stick to them. So out with the old and in with the new....Goodbye 2010 and Welcome 2011
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