Sleep, eat, school, study, eat, work, a little less sleep, eat, school, study, eat, meetings, little less sleep, study, eat, school, study, work, study, sleep if I am lucky. Wash, rinse, and repeat. This has been my life for the past month as we have already hit the ground running. I am spending the majority of my time split between school, studying and work and sleeping tends to fall by the wayside at times. Although it has only a month, I feel like I have been back at school for at least an extra two weeks. 2 exams, 2 Pharmaceutics quizzes, 2 lab quizzes, 1 lab practical, and 1 class fundraiser later I am already on the look out for spring break. Right now I have to use my binoculars as it is in the distant future but I do see its faint silhouette. However, before I can even think about spring break I have 4 more exams, 3 more lab quizzes, 2 more Pharmaceutics quizzes standing in my way.
Just thinking about my schedule ahead got me a little overwhelmed and so I decided to take a study break
because of course I have an exam on Monday and relieve some anxiety by surfing the web. One of my friends had told me of this stumbleupon site where you just click the button and it gives you a random webpage for which you can set your preferences. I have mine set to show quotes, music, and art. There were several neat things that popped up today but this image was definitely my favorite.
It made me stop and reflect on my life for a moment and made me analyze my priorities in life. Yes I am here for pharmacy school to become an integral part of a profession that means so much to me......
.......However, if I am not happy while doing it what is its worth? If I do not think positively, how can others around me be positive? If I do not work hard what is the value of my work? If I do not build my faith, how will my principles, morals, and beliefs stand alone with nothing to support them? If I spend my life worrying, I have missed out on life in itself and give strength to my fears and apprehensions.
Life is so short and every day is a blessing! I want to live a life I can be proud of and when I reach that golden old age I do not want any regrets following behind me. I am really inspired by Revive's "Blink" song and will leave you with the verses from the chorus:
It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash
It happens in the time it took to look back
I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time
What is it I've done with my life?