So last Friday I took a trip down south...
The reason for my going home involved my little sister and her participation in the Roxboro Junior Miss Program. This weekend also happen to coincide with my Fall Break which landed on the following Monday thru Wednesday. So needless to say this was a coincidence that made me very happy!! Since I got out of my lab early, I was able to start on my 4 and 1/2 hour drive early enough to make it back in time for the PHS football game. This was the first time I made this 4 and 1/2 hour drive all by myself. The only other times I have ventured to Winchester I have been accompanied by my mom two times and my Kappa Psi pals a third time. So I was a little anxious driving that long distance. Now don't confuse me with someone who hasn't driven long distances before. I have been driving to my parent's place at the beach since I got my license at least once or twice a year. That trip is almost as long, weighing in at about a 4 hour trip. However, the difference in those trips have been my lovely companions that make the drive way more interesting. The first hour of the trip was the easiest of course, then came the second hour and then the third hour and it was about that time that boredom really started to sink in because I had already gone through my playlist that I made specifically for the drive down. (
Note to self: make sure that when making a playlist, make one that is the length of driving time to ensure new music is always available and so the playlist does not end before the drive.) However, the silver lining was that I was able to spend some "ME" with the radio off and just think about life and in a way it cleared my mind and relaxed me.
Wow! Friday Night Lights, I did not realize how much I missed performing on that field until that Friday night. Seeing the Drill Team in the Big Blues and those trademark boots made me sad that I was unable to make the Drill Team Reunion.
But, hey I guess I couldn't have had Jr. Miss, my Fall Break and Drill Team Reunion on the same weekend that would have been too easy. We finished off the Friday night the way I used to in high school after football games, at Torerro's.
Saturday was Junior Miss and I was so excited for my sister. For those of you who do not know her, she and I are complete opposites. Well not completely but mainly personality-wise. She is more quiet and reserved, and well you know that I am not. She also has the tendency to be a behinds the scenes type person and has not been involved in any leadership role. So her participation in this program, I thought would be great for her to allow her to come out of her shell a bit and gain more self confidence. Well, I must say that I was SO PROUD of her that night that it literally brought me to tears. She did so well and portrayed such confidence on stage that I knew no matter what the judge's results were, it did not matter because she had gained something so valuable and grew as a person from this experience. For Preliminary awards she received the same two that I received when I participated back in '07. She received Scholastic and Self-Expression (formally Poise). Then she was even placed 1st runner up!
Sunday and Monday I took a trip to the city painted Carolina Blue! I went out to eat with my roomies (+ Amber) from last year to PF Changs. Which was a-Mazing since I have not had it in so long, and the company wasn't have bad either since I haven't seen them in just as long.
No, so I am lying, the company was
fabulous, we could have been eating bread and butter and I would have loved it just for the mere pleasure of being able to spend time with them again! I think all that catching up was tiring because we were in bed by 10. The next morning I tried to do some work (wasn't very successful) and went to lunch at BoJangles with Cory and Amanda which I also had not had in FOREVER!!
Okay, so up here they have this place called Popeye's and they claim it to be cajun chicken and fries, well it does not have a thing on Bojangles! Also got to visit with my Kappa Psi pals and joined them for dinner at the house and got to meet the new pledges.
The rest of my time home was spent visiting with my CVS family, my legit family, and friends who I have not seen in far too long! The only hard part about coming home was having to leave Wednesday!
Since I have gotten back, things have been moving steadily on as I have come back to the reality that is known as Pharmacy School. This upcoming week I have 2 exams, 2 quizzes, and another exam the following Monday. So, needless to say I spent my entire Saturday studying and getting stressed out. So to calm me down a bit I decided to clean! My condo looks fabulous and believe it or not, I have found that vacuuming is a great stress reliever as well as writing this post. So since I am working all day tomorrow, I think it is time for me to call it a night!